
Heryanto, S. Si., M. Si.

Material and Energy

Asisten Ahli / III.b


+62 852-5590-3684


Daya Kumalasari AF.3 No. 18

Curriculum Vitae Staff Handbook


Heryanto Heryanto holds a degree in Physics from the Hasanuddin University (UNHAS), Makassar, Indonesia (2015), Master’s degree in Physics of materials focusing on X-ray diffraction analysis at Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (2019). In 2023, he is conducting doctoral studies related to computational materials science. Programs that have been created for material physics need such as graphical user interface (GUI) for distribution of crystallite size with several comparison (Scherrer, Williamson Hall, and Size strain plot method); (2) Program for 3D data from Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis; (3) and script function for Energy gap determination from Kubelka-Munk improvised by using Taylor expansion. These programs is really suitable for improving the highly valuable explanation for food packaging (bioplastics), for medical physics (phantom and shielding), and for environment (Energy, photocatalyst and adsorbent heavy metals).


Sarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin, 2015

Master, Universitas Hasanuddin, 2019

Scopus Indexed Publications

  • Ilyas, S., Abdullah, B., & Tahir, D. (2019). X-ray diffraction analysis of nanocomposite Fe3O4/activated carbon by Williamson–Hall and size-strain plot methods. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 20, 100396.
  • Suryani, S., Heryanto, H., Rusdaeni, R., Fahri, A. N., & Tahir, D. (2020). Quantitative analysis of diffraction and infra-red spectra of composite cement/BaSO4/Fe3O4 for determining correlation between attenuation coefficient, structural and optical properties. Ceramics International, 46(11), 18601-18607.
  • Heryanto, Abdullah, B., Tahir, D., & Mahdalia. (2019, October). Quantitative analysis of X-Ray diffraction spectra for determine structural properties and deformation energy of Al, Cu and Si. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1317, No. 1, p. 012052). IOP Publishing.
  • Heryanto, Hendri, Abdullah, B., & Tahir, D. (2018, August). Analysis of structural properties of X-ray diffraction for composite copper-activated carbon by modified Williamson-Hall and size-strain plotting methods. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1080, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
  • Heryanto, H., & Tahir, D. (2021). The correlations between structural and optical properties of magnetite nanoparticles synthesised from natural iron sand. Ceramics International, 47(12), 16820-16827.
  • Heryanto, H., & Tahir, D. (2021). High absorption electromagnetic wave properties of composite CoFeO3 synthesized by simple mechanical alloying. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10(12), 123015.