
Prof. Dr. Sri Suryani, DEA.

Material and Energy

Guru Besar / IV.d


+62 812-3456-7890


Curriculum Vitae Staff Handbook


Ph. D., Universite de Provence, Aix-Marseille I, 1995

DEA, Universite de Provence, Aix-Marseille I, 1993

Sarjana, Fisika, Universitas Hasanuddin, 1980

Scopus Indexed Publications

  • Suryani, S., Damayanti, A., Heryanto, H., Rahmat, R. Syarifuddin, S., Tahir, D. High efficiency self-cleaning of nanocomposites ZnO with additional chitosan for helping electron and hole transport. International Journal of Biological Macromoleculesthis link is disabled, 2023, 224, pp. 125–132.
  • Suryani, S., Heryanto, H., Rusdaeni, R., Fahri, A.N., Tahir, D. Quantitative analysis of diffraction and infra-red spectra of composite cement/BaSO4/Fe3O4 for determining correlation between attenuation coefficient, structural and optical properties. Ceramics Internationalthis link is disabled, 2020, 46(11), pp. 18601–18607.
  • Anugrah, M.A., Suryani, S., Ilyas, S., Mutmainna, I., Fahri, A.N., Jusmawang, Tahir, D. Composite gelatin/Rhizophora SPP particleboards/PVA for soft tissue phantom applications. Radiation Physics and Chemistrythis link is disabled, 2020, 173, 108878.
  • Suryani, S., Theraulaz, F., Thomas, O. , Deterministic resolution of molecular absorption spectra of aqueous solutions: environmental applications 1995 Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
  • Thomas, O., Theraulaz, F., Agnel, C., Suryani, S., Advanced uv examination of wastewater, Environmental Technology (UK) (1996).