
Prof. Dr. Bualkar Abdullah, M.Eng. Sc.

Electronics and Instrumentation

Guru Besar / IV.d


+62 812-3456-7890


Perdos Unhas Tamalanrea Blok BG/36

Curriculum Vitae Staff Handbook


Ph. D., Optoelectronics, ITS, 2012

M. Eng. Sc. , Optoelectronics, Universitas Indonesia, 1990

Sarjana , Fisika, ITB, 1985

Scopus Indexed Publications

  • Dewang, S., Suriani, Hadriani, S., Bannu, Abdullah, B., Physical Properties of Nyamplung Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum L) for Biodiesel Production Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2017).
  • Dewang, S., Akmal, A.S., Abdullah, B., Sarbaini, Measurement of radiation distribution for radon (Rn) and thoron (Th) concentrations in heritage Gua Batu and Gua mimpi of maros regency, South Sulawesi AIP Conference Proceedings (2017).
  • Abdullah, B., Suryani, S., Bannu, Microstrip antenna slot double-bowtie five-arrays model with coplanar waveguides for 5.8 GHz communication, AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017)
  • Arifin, A., Yusran, Miftahuddin, Abdullah, B., Tahir, D., Comparison of sensitivity and resolution load sensor at various configuration polymer optical fiber, AIP Conference Proceedings, (2017).